Shopping Rewards Programs
Did you know that you can support UMGASS while shopping? FUMGASS has set up community fundraising projects through the following retailers:
Amazon has a program called AmazonSmile, in which a portion of your purchase will go to the non-profit of your choice (we hope that your choice is FUMGASS!) To get started, go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and log into your Amazon account. You’ll be prompted to search for an organization to support. Search for “Friends of the University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society” then select us as your target organization. Then when you shop on Amazon in the future, remember to go to https://smile.amazon.com/ before you check out, so that your purchases will qualify. If you’re already enrolled in the AmazonSmile program and would like to change your target organization to FUMGASS, you can find that option under “Account & Lists.”
For more information, go to About Amazon Smile.
Through the Kroger Community Rewards program, you can connect your Kroger rewards loyalty card to the non-profit organization of your choice. When you use your rewards card (or enter your phone number) at checkout, Kroger will donate a portion of your purchase to that organization.
To link your Kroger rewards card to FUMGASS, log into your Kroger account. To find FUMGASS, you can search for our organization number (PK265) or for the organization name (Friends of the UofM Gilbert and Sullivan Society). Once you’ve selected FUMGASS, it will be listed on the Community Rewards tab of your Kroger account.
Many thanks to FUMGASS Treasurer Ali Roselle for getting these programs set up!