( Gilbert & Sullivan Boys & Girls )
What is GASBAG?
GASBAG (Gilbert and Sullivan Boys And Girls) is the FUMGASS journal issued several times each year. It includes scholarly articles, reviews, fun, and the latest news of G&S happenings locally and internationally.
There have been 3-4 issues annually in recent years. Content combines airy persiflage with weightier reviews of current and past shows, commentary by directors and actors, upcoming performances by G&S societies, and anything else we can think of relating to Gilbert and Sullivan. We can’t take things too seriously, given the subject matter.
If there is anything you would like to see in print, or wish to submit something for publication, please contact our GASBAG editor Sarah McNitt at gasbag.editor@gmail.com.
GASBAG History
GASBAG started as an every-few-weekly UMGASS poop sheet and was playfully named for its acronym. Originally edited by UMGASSers Kathy McKevitt and Colby Schneider, faculty advisor Harry Benford handled the printing. After just a few issues, Harry basically took over as editor. Once FUMGASS came along in Fall 1969, GASBAG became FUMGASS's newsletter/journal.
The biggest boon in FUMGASS's history was the Benfords' attendance at the great International Gilbert & Sullivan Conference held at the University of Kansas in May 1970. They schlepped along a stack of GASBAGs and signed up G&Sophiles from around the country and the globe as FUMGASSers. In the days before the internet, GASBAG became one of the great G&S periodicals, wherein Savoyards around the world corresponded, debated, and blended amusement with instruction. Editor Harry churned out 10-11 GASBAGs each year, and they were a marvelous thing to behold.
GASBAG Subscriptions
GASBAG is made available to all FUMGASS members, and the only way to subscribe is to join FUMGASS. GASBAG remains available both in print and digital versions. You may select one or both. Either way, please notify Brenda Kerr, our Keeper of the Rolls of your preferences or change of address. The Keeper of the Rolls can be reached at:
c/o Brenda Kerr
2900 Pebble Creek Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Past Issues
We have a few print copies of recent issues available. Please contact our GASBAG editor at gasbag.editor@gmail.com if you would like specific issues.
For those desiring in-depth research, print copies of most issues dating back to the early days are available at the U-M Bentley Historical Library in the UMGASS collection.
We have a few print copies of recent issues available. Please contact our GASBAG editor at gasbag.editor@gmail.com if you would like specific issues.
For those desiring in-depth research, print copies of most issues dating back to the early days are available at the U-M Bentley Historical Library in the UMGASS collection.