Contact Us
For questions of any kind, contact fumgassexec@umich.edu.

Your FUMGASS membership funds directly support UMGASS by funding UMGASS productions and special projects that a student organization could not otherwise afford. Join now!
Attend an UMGASS production
UMGASS stages at least two productions per year, usually in December and April at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in Ann Arbor. Tickets are available through the Michigan Union Ticket Office. To see what's coming up, visit the UMGASS site.
Participate in an UMGASS production
UMGASS welcomes cast members and production staff from the university and the community. To learn more about upcoming auditions or prod staff petitions, visit the UMGASS site.
Volunteer your time
UMGASS and FUMGASS are always looking for help. If you have skills you'd like to lend (marketing, web management, publicity, writing, accounting, etc.) there are leadership positions available. If you're looking for a low-commitment way to give back, there are also short-term volunteering opportunities like ushering at an UMGASS performance. Get in touch with UMGASS or FUMGASS to volunteer your time!
Reconnect with UMGASS alumni
FUMGASS is seeking to reconnect with past UMGASS participants. If you'd like to join our mailing list to learn about upcoming alumni events, please fill out our contact form. We also sponsor the UMGASS Alumni Facebook group and invite all UMGASS alumni to join.
Contribute to the GASBAG
The GASBAG is the official newsletter of the University of Michigan Gilbert & Sullivan Society, produced by FUMGASS. If you'd like to contribute letters, alumni news, reviews, articles, art, or photographs to GASBAG, please email gasbag.editor@gmail.com.